Speak Up…Climate Change Mass Lobby

Yesterday I took advantage of an unexpected day off and went on a coach trip to talk to my MP. I’ve tried to get a few of the sketches I did uploaded as quickly as possible, but it’s late now, so they will have to arrive in instalments.

Two climate campaigners dance by Lambeth Bridge  Here I show my ignorance, because once they’d moved on I wasn’t sure whether I’d been watching a tango or a samba, but this event was organised by the Climate Coalition and the dominant t-shirts were black (CAFOD), red (Christian Aid), and orange (38 degrees). Here were Christian Aid and 38 Degrees doing something very Latin by Lambeth Bridge.

Ruth Valerio talking to Michel from NigerThe day began with two services – I was in the happy clappy one because it was nearer. I didn’t catch this gentleman’s last name, but he made me realise something very simple without exactly saying it – many of the migrants causing such consternation by crossing the Mediterranean are climate refugees. Interviewing him is Ruth Valerio whose books I’ve known about for ages but not read yet, I’m afraid.

Art installation in Archbishops parkThis is the art installation in the Archbishop’s Park ( didn’t know he had one) across the other side of the bridge. It was a heart shaped wall for comments, but the curve of it and the patterns made it beautiful, as did the many verses from the Koran packed in with every other kind of expression of faith.

To be continued…