Christmas in Victoria Park

Tonight I set out for the carol singing in Victoria Park but didn’t quite make it into the crowd, because the view from the bin at the corner of the playground jumped out at me. I didn’t think I felt like sketching tonight. This will be at least my third ‘Carols in Victoria Park’ picture so I had to think of a slightly different title. I’m not feeling all that inventive, but I thought, well, for Victoria Park, this is Christmas. For me too, it’s often the best bit. People gathered, some you know, some you don’t, lights, music, dogs, children, acceptance. Last year I took a Korean student who was staying with us for a couple of weeks, she called it magical. Here are the sketches slotted together, ready to be graded and then coloured.


I’ve been so busy since the Front Room Art Trail a week ago, I haven’t had much chance to look at the sketching I did there.

One of the highlights at my venue, Totterdown Baptist Church, was Somerset folk duo Lazibyrd, who I believe had just won the folk category of the South West music awards. I thought they were great. But I’m not qualified to comment on folk music, I just draw it.

And there was this wonderful little girl, who held the splits long enough for me to draw her:

Art on the Hill 2013

The first day of Art on the Hill has just ended. From the moment you think ‘my house still looks so grubby’ to the moment you close the door, time goes so quickly. Lots of people interested in wedding sketches this year, thanks to a commission from Kate and Simon Jay (detail below).

Now to Victoria Park for Mexican food from Otomi, and music from the two great SMR parent bands, Small  and Parents of Soul. Art on the Hill is always wonderful, drawing many together like the lifesize collage figures at the front of St. Michael’s church this weekend. If you can, come by tomorrow.

Front Room 2012

Totterdown Baptism

Really enjoyed Front Room this year. The weather was good, we had just the right number of artists in the Salt Cellar at Totterdown Baptist Church, and some lovely music. I didn’t get out much and when I did I headed to Stevens Crescent which is what I always end up doing. It’s always worth it just for Susan Black’s subtle and moving greyscale paintings of old photos, but I also loved standing in the middle of a room full of Darren Hoskins’ powerful pastel cityscapes. Don’t know how he gets that energy from photos. Somehow he can store what he’s seen in his head.

I’ve been trying to draw from the balcony in Totterdown Baptist Church for years. I was thrilled when the picture above appeared in my sketchbook, it’s the nearest I’ve got to capturing the energy of worship in that space.